Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning, that line always brings a lump to my throat. It's the same feeling you get when you know you're not going to see someone again, your period of mourning begins.
It wasn't quite true in Star Trek XI The Undiscovered Country because we saw Kirk, Chekov and Scotty in the 7th Star Trek film, Generations but you still got that sense that they were being put out to pasture.
Priceless, Resistance is Futile |
This weekend film four are having a
Star Trek Special and it's got me glued to my seat this Sunday night each film being introduced by one of the characters, in Generations case it was Jonathan Frakes, someone I had the pleasure of meeting when I was Assistant Manager at
The Trafalgar pub in Kings Rd. I got his autograph too! Usually if a celebrity comes into work, I treat them as I would any other customer, after all, they're only out for a good time or a chill out. He was very gracious though and gave me his autograph on the back of one of my payslips, it was the only thing I could find for him to write on!
It's not often I get to 'Trek-Out' nowadays so any excuse is gladly jumped upon and I've found a load of beer friends who are also Star Trek fans or 'Trekkers' on Twitter which makes me feel slightly less geeky, not that anyone who knows me could describe me thus(apart from my trekker tendencies).
I'm glad the franchise has decided to continue with the movies, the recent movie was excellent and proved that once again the guys and gals in charge know how to hand the baton over, I'm looking forward to the next film with baited, beery breath!
Until next time!
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