Monday, 11 October 2010


Montgommery Burns?
So, Andrew Marr has been 'gobbing off' about bloggers has he? In case you haven't seen it he said (and I quote)..

A lot of bloggers seem to be socially inadequate, pimpled, single, slightly seedy, bald, cauliflower-nosed, young men sitting in their mothers basements and ranting...
...The so-called citizen journalism is the spewing and rantings of very drunk people late at night'
Yawn! Sorry I was up late...ranting!

As someone who prefers to blog during the day and definately sober I take issue with this. Not only has Mr Marr described himself in half of his own 'rant' but it is currently 1.30pm, I am in my office above The Rake and on one side of my laptop there is a cup of coffee and on the other side a bottle of Coke, I therefore cannot be described as drunk since I haven't had a drink in over 24 hours.
Andrew Marr?

In fact lets turn this around and describe Mr Marr thus....

Bald, Slightly seedy ok, only two of his descriptions fit himself but let's face it, he's no oil painting, he's really rather 'burnsy' in fact!

I doubt Mr Marr is going to ever read this blog but I would like to point out to him that whilst it's not journalism(and really, it's not trying to be either!) it is a valid form of expression in the 21st century and  for me quite a lot of fun,
made more so by 'rantings' of c-list celebs who are up their own arses.


  1. Good stuff. Rather than just wave your stick far better to poke people with it.

  2. cheers for the comment, agreed! ;-)
