Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Winning and Losing.

Bigger men than Giles Coren will ever be.
Morning all, today I am basking in the glory that is an ashes retention. Once again I wasn't awake to listen to TMS, I went to bed for a quick nap after dinner so I could stay up during the last of the play and woke up at 3am after it had all finished. Doh!
Congrats to England and commiserations to the Aussies. I'm one for rubbing it in in a good natured way like most people after all it's natural, and it's borne out of the fact that the Australians are so good at doing the same thing. Until five years ago they had the best cricket team in the world for 20 years and they let everyone know about it. Now they're going to have to get used to the fact that they are a team in transition.
But should we be unsporting and rude about it? Of course not, it's not British, we are a nation that takes defeat graciously and winning with dignity, so I find this article from Giles Coren on The Daily Fail online particularly offensive.
Do you think Andrew Flintoff would say anything like that? Of course not, he's a sportsman, even Ricky Ponting at his irritating worst would not say anything as unsporting or frankly racist as that.
This sort lazy writing has no place online or in print and it proves that Giles Coren knows nothing about sporting behaviour and has to write this sort of garbage to get noticed. How very Daily Hate.


  1. Giles Coren is an utter CNUT most of the stuff he writes/tweets is utter sh1t

    what flintoff did in that pic showed just how much of a great a guy he is and why he is a sporting legend!

  2. I'm ion total agreement with you Andy.
